
Tuesday 28 August 2012

BRS Creations: the brain behind it

The world is constantly changing, from the days of walking around naked, to using banana leaves as clothing, to animal skin, then to all sorts of designer wears. We all like the big designer names and it boosts our confidence wherever we go or any event we attend.
The amusing thing is that, as expensive as those wears are, some don't fit us perfectly and most don't reflect the true designs we have in mind.
In the midst of the numerous choices of wears, emerged BRS Creations, a radiantly simple but outstanding and unique outfit which caters for various fashion needs, including sweaters, cardigans, mufflers, headwarmers, caps, bolero, jackets e.t.c which are all knitted, and yes, ALL KNITTED.
Meet Miss Abiola Salvador, the owner and brain behind BRS Creations as she epitomizes her contagious passion for her outfit. This beautiful, brilliant, elegant, classy and gifted young lady who is inspired by her mum, as well as everything around her, is a graduate of microbiology from Crawford University, Nigeria.
Abiola, a lady who has eyes for details when it comes to creativity and fashion has successfully carved a path for herself in Nigeria’s emerging fashion industry with her brand....BRS Creations. 
A 'Flygerian' whose driving force is about making a difference and adding glamor to the use of wool, plans to take over the fashion industry both locally and internationally by becoming a global player in the fashion industry through the supply of various quality knitted wears available and affordable to everyone.
You can contact her on +2348036627331 or mail her at for all kinds of superb, quality and outstanding designs, and trust me, she delivers with the speed of light, even beyond expectation. Contact for business ONLY please.
Click here to know more about this gorgeous lady and her outfit.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Nigerian student faces life imprisonment in Ukraine

According to Wikipedia, racism is generally defined as actions, practices, or beliefs that reflect the racial worldview: the ideology that humans are divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called "races" but my modification of this 'plenty grammar' is that racism is simply hating other people whose 'body colour' is different from yours.
From the incidences relating to racism in the Euro 2012 hosted by Poland and Ukraine, we can draw conclusions that Martin Luther King's dream that "one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls” is still a work in progress.
On the 5th of November 2011, Olaolu Sunkanmi Femi, a Nigerian student studying in Ukraine and his yet to be identified Nigerian friend (also a student) were physically molested and attacked in front of their apartment by a gang of Ukrainian racists.
Eye witness accounts say Olaolu and his friend who were hurled to the ground and racially abused all this while, was able to get up and grab hold of a piece of glass from a broken bottle to use in self-defense and it was while he was defending himself that police arrived at the scene. He was arrested and charged with attempted murder of five people which makes me wonder how one man will attempt killing 5 people (who were probably armed) in his sane mind, only Jet Li does that. Anyway, Olaolu has since been remanded in detention by the Ukrainian police who refused to take the case to court citing unavailability of the police to get an interpreter for him.
As we all know the 'Aluta spirit', Nigerian students in the Ukraine are not taking it easy as they have been protesting his arrest and labeling it an act of racism. The Nigerian students’ community in Ukraine under the leadership of Osarumen David-Izevbokun, a Phd student in international relations has been working tirelessly to ensure justice for the Nigerian by organizing protests as well as drawing the attention of the human rights groups in Ukraine to the plight of Femi who has spent almost seven months in jail without trial.
David-Izevbokun told African Outlook that he alongside other Nigerian students in conjunctions with some members of the Ukrainian human right groups staged a protest on April, 9 outside the Leninsky District Court in Luhanski demanding the release of Olasunkanmi.
The actions, according to David-Izevbokun has put the Ukraine police on the spot as the case came up for hearing on May 3. “We had a lot of media coverage on the protest ” David-Izevbokun said, noting that he was sure the attention given the case may have prompted the May 3 court appearance of the suspect.
David-Izevbokun who was at the May 3, court hearing told African Outlook that Olasunkanmi appeared depressed when he showed up in court.
In almost typical fashion, the Nigerian embassy sent a representative to visit Olasunkanmi in jail once and thereafter, never returned.
Too many Nigerians are facing jail terms in various European countries over phantom allegations and even more disheartening is the role of the Nigerian government via its embassies in such countries. Nigerians are subjected to various forms of maltreatment, from the way we are searched at international airports, to bank transactions and literary in every aspect of our lives, the terrible thing about it being that, even our neighbouring countries don't spare us.
Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does the hating. It's just plain wrong ― Muhammad Ali. Let's come together and fight this deadly practice which poses a serious threat to all of us.
“The piano keys are black and white but they sound like a million colors in your mind" ― Maria Cristina Mena from "Spiders web”
Please, if you can, visit the “Free Olaolu” page on facebook and show your support at

Credit: Funto, Searchlight Magazine

Wednesday 8 August 2012

The dedicated drunk

It was a very cold and silent evening, the only sounds were those of patients moaning in pain and some doctors talking. There wasn't really anything to do at the SME (surgical & medical emergency) and as I was talking with some colleagues about how that weekend wasn't eventful, an elderly man was suddenly rushed in...."Move! Move!! he's in shock" was all we heard.
My colleagues and I on duty rushed to meet them, he was cold, unconscious and there was blood all over his mouth and shirt, so we set up IV lines and started pushing in IV fluids (drip) in order to resuscitate him. We took blood samples for grouping and cross matching, and was putting him on the third bag of IV fluid when the blood requested from the blood bank arrived. Before starting the transfusion, he responded and we were all happy that he was stable, just for him to respond with a faint voice that "doctor! doctor!! I don't take blood, I'm a Jehovah witness and it's against my belief".
We all opened our mouths out of amusement and disbelief, "Ewurade!! this man paa (in Ghanaian intonation), he no make serious oo" as my colleague said. We couldn't believe that this man will turn down blood transfusion which will save his life. He came in with an upper GI bleeding (bleeding from the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract i.e. from the throat to the first part of the intestine). His condition could either be portal hypertension secondary to alcoholic liver cirrhosis, acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis, gastritis or Mallory Weiss syndrome. All differentials were supported by a strong history of binging and alcoholism.
My colleague asked him, "sir, is alcoholism part of your belief?", he was silent and thanked us for helping out but declined the blood transfusion or any other plasma expander, which will help increase his chances of survival. He was discharged after two days though with a low haemoglobin level which is dangerous and can transfer him to the other side....if you know what I mean.
I cannot but continue to wonder how someone can endanger his life by doing things outside his belief, yet, he can't agree to something outside "his belief" but will save his life from his own suicidal habit. "Na wa ooh" as we say in Nigeria, homo sapiens can pass for "Na we do religion pass".

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Celebrating a rare gem at 60

Mr. Adeyemo Adejumo as you know him, well, I know him as "daddy leko" (Daddy in lagos) or daddy. A wonderful man with the fear of God, humble, well mannered, intelligent, lucrative and a whole lot of other qualities I can go on and on to write about. He's a man with great foresight, married to a beautiful woman and blessed with many wonderful children (can't call them kids cos they're giants, especially the one who is the latest dad in
A retired managing director of a top re-insurance company: Continental Reinsurance Company (CRe), past president of Chattered Insurance Institute of Nigeria (CIIN), in short, a perfect gentleman.
Daddy is 60, wow!!! To survive 20 years on earth is serious, then 30, 40, all the way to 60, it's such a blessing, a gift from God.
I remember back in model college days (secondary school), I had a family friend who always came to my school for business. Everybody said all sorts of terrible things about her and I couldn't defend her because everything said about her was true. The only thing I could do was to pretend as if I didn't know her anytime such discussions came up, or leave. It's a whole different ball game with daddy, he's a man of integrity, someone I can identify with anywhere because of his integrity which is unequivocal.
I grew up knowing him, he's actually my second dad, not that I'm trying to "famz" but it's the fact. We (my siblings and I) go to his house for vacation, something we always looked forward to. He plays with us, tells jokes, advices us etc and before I forget, my pocket never leaves his house empty (if you know what I mean) and it's the same thing with mummy.
He's a role model, a rare gem.
Daddy, happy 60th birthday. You're a blessing to us and we pray that God continue to bless you, keep you safe and grant you long life in abundance and prosperity.
He launched his book "Singing of His mercies: the Adeyemo Adejumo story" and trust me, it's a book to get. It's an autobiography where we all can learn how to live a fulfilled, prosperous and God fearing life.
He told of his background, how he grew up, his school life (hmm… kinda different compared with ours), how he met… (u get the gist!), how he started his career, how he rose up the ladder of success and a whole lot more. Mark you, all was by the grace of God and he really emphasized that fact! You can get the book through me, of course!

Sunday 5 August 2012

Things we do for love

Sitting comfortably behind the TV, watching a documentary, I realized the power of love. Love is not just a feeling but it's a lifestyle, a way of life. You enjoy it only when you walk in that way of life and as D'banj rightly said "love is a beautiful thing".
The documentary was about how animals feed, take care and protect their young ones. These animals protect them from any kind of harm and all their actions is not because it's their obligation, it's because of LOVE, nothing else but love.
My girlfriend and I had a long talk yesterday, she pointed out all my errors. She's this fragile, soft, loving and of course beautiful lady with a lot of other wonderful qualities I can't mention here, while myself on the other hand....hmmnnn!!! a principled hardheaded tough young man with a straight face, a no nonsense and rigid fellow with zero tolerance for folly (I'm not that bad though, im also Sometimes I wonder how "I caught that big fish"....hahahahaa!!! "VGBG" like me. Anyway, she pointed out a whole lot of things and now I understand that one has to really evaluate his/herself almost everyday.
Love is the greatest of all, even the bible testifies, but this love, you really have to fight for it in order to enjoy it. My girlfriend hates spiders so now I hate spiders, I kill them anywhere I see them (I hope I don't get arrested by 'animal rights' activists); she's fragile and if you dare raise your voice, she breaks down, so I have to keep it low and cool irrespective of the point I'm trying to make; she feels cold easily, any little cold, she's freezing, so I have to adjust my thermostat to fit into hers and so on, because I love her. If you ask her, she'll bring out a long list of how she's adjusting herself to fit my's a vice versa attitude and as we both say, "the little things that you do, makes me love you more".
Let's learn to fight for what we cherish, not a "brouhaha" fight, but compromises in order to keep what we love. There's a lot of divorces and breaking up in the world, let's make whatever we have work. As it is being said, love is not Romeo and Juliet where one died, love is grandma and grandpa getting old together and not being able to do without themselves.
These are notable quotes, few but carry weight. Let's love ourselves as one.
A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved. - Kurt Vonnegut
Love, after all, always said more about those who felt it than it did about the ones they loved. - Nicholas Sparks
Love and friendship. They are what make us who we are, and what can change us, if we let them. - Emily Giffin
To love is to be in communion with the other and to discover in that other the spark of God. - Paulo Coelho
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. ― Lao Tzu
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. ― Robert A. Heinlein
A phone call, a small note, kind words, even a smile can show love.

The tears of the martyrs; hope for the believers

Inspiration can come from anywhere, it may be on your toilet seat (trust me, you can get a lot of inspiration there), in the car, shower, anywhere, even while talking to a friend or spouse, but there's no greater inspiration than when having your quiet time, reading your bible or meditating.
As I opened my bible and began to read a chapter in the book of revelations, a verse caught my attention.....
When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth? Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both  the number of  their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they  were,  was completed. (Revelation 6:9-11 NKJV)

After going through the whole chapter and meditating on those verses, I realized the whole religious tussle in northern Nigeria is a serious issue both physically as a whole and spiritually as well. One wonders, what becomes of those who were killed, mangled, blasted, bombed, shot, slaughtered? What is their gain? In the midst of this, this chapter in the book of revelations has answered a lot of these questions and even much more, that there is hope for the martyrs, they have peace of mind, free from the hustle of this planet, not thinking of what to eat next, clothes to wear etc., above all, they still have the living in mind, interceding on our behalf, so that the killings will stop.
There is hope for the believer, we have hope in God and He's going to intervene on our behalf because even the slain ones are not resting, they seek justice persistently. Even if the government, stake holders and influential people decide not to do anything, even if they say all sorts about the CAN president and label him a rebel, even if they sit back in their homes ordering that the military shouldn't take action as regards the "Jos massacre", even if they belittle people trying to speak out for the right thing to be done, we have hope, our martyrs are constantly crying for us and we know God will intervene.

Let us come together, pray as a Nation because all these will also affect us as a whole, not only as individuals or a nuclear family. Let's say NO to extremism, let's say NO to any form of terrorism.

Friday 3 August 2012

We need a flood

There has been a lot of tension lately, a lot of things are going wrong, in as much as I don't want to write about it, I have to, considering the current state in which our beloveth country is, which is alarming.

I feel sad each time I turn on the television after a busy day and all I see on the news (international channels) is the chaotic state Nigeria is in. It would be all over the Internet and a lot of neighboring countries are interested in these news even more than us (citizens). Each time there's a bomb blast or any event raising chaos or disarray, the following day becomes a "story day" for we Nigerians living in the neighboring countries. They follow every event and are aware of it even before some of us (citizens) are. This has moved me to revive my zeal of writing in order to shed more light on some issues a lot of people MAY not be aware of.

There has been a lot of talks about civil war, religious war, Nigeria dividing, South & Northern Nigeria etc and even the book of Amos 3: 3 from the Holy Bible states that "Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?" (NIV), definitely not is the answer but before we jump the gun in answering this same question, we need to think deep on the possible outcomes which in surgical practice, is termed complications & in medical therapeutics, the phrase "undesired/side effects" is used i.e. an outcome not desired or wished for. The article "NIGERIA IS NOT EASILY REVERSIBLE" written by Col Abubakar D. Umar (rtd) on 05 February 2012 (, lays emphasis on just the challenges to be faced in "rearranging the country tribally or religiously" due to geographical relocation of people from different tribes to a place other than their place or state of origin but there's more to it and I will say Nigeria is just not easily reversible but is irreversible. There are a lot of intertribal marriages and union, inter religious unions and relationships, business partnerships etc. A lot of people from other tribes or religion(s) have set up businesses in places other than their place of origin and have even created an avenue for people in that region to make a living from. All these and more got me thinking and made me answer the above stated question "Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?" and my answer remained "definitely not" but in another perspective. Let all Nigerians reach a consensus, agreeing on what direction we want to go, what developments we desire, the way we want things to be done, and together as one, not walk with people who are antagonists to this common goal, common vision in which we (as one) have set.

We need a flood, we need to prepare an ark just as God instructed Noah (Gen. 6: 14) and put all the people who are genuine and not corrupted, people who are not after their own personal gains like some lawmakers who are being exposed but are still denying their act which breaches the trust we citizens have in them. We need a flood, to cleanse us and wipe our immorality. The flood will not spare any selfish or corrupt leader, but will give us a new start, first as individuals, then the system (which involves the government and the people in power) and then as a nation. We need a flood!!!

How can we get this flood? Its by determination and getting rid of all forms of bias,  selfishness, tribalism, favoritism, greed, lawlessness etc. in us, unite as one and join hands in fighting for our unity, our peace, and Nigeria our pride. This will make me point out the lyrics of our anthem viz. "Arise, O compatriots, Nigeria's call obey, to serve our Fatherland with love and strength and faith. The labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain, to serve with heart and might, one nation bound in freedom, peace and unity. O God of creation, direct our noble cause, guide thou our leaders right, help our youth the truth to know. In love and honesty to grow, and living just and true, great lofty heights attain, to build a nation where peace and justice shall reign.

None of the words can be left out, they all point to our obligation as citizens of this great country which, if you travel a lot, you'll discover that a lot of citizens of other nationalities want to be like Nigerians because we are hardworking, smart and lucrative.

Oluwafemi D. Ajibade